"I will love you alway darling and forever!! I so very happy to be with you my love, Please believe to me ! Do you love to me darling ! Please tell me ! I still love you alway. I never stop love you! You are only man in my life!!! I love you now and forever! I love only you! I love you too much! I miss you too much!...
Sound familiar?
The saying goes that ‘you can’t buy love’, but that hasn’t stopped thousands of male visitors to the shores of Thailand from trying. It is far easier to fall in love with a beautiful petite Asian goddess then it is with a fatter older woman from the West (wrong as that may be), but for that reason I use the term ‘love’ subjectively, for it is possibly more like obsession. But men like all animals are at the prey of their instincts, and many will fall hard for the wile charms of a well practiced Thai bar girl, few of whom can be outwitted.
And it would be easy to argue that it is our own fault, for being too naive, after all, you play with fire, you get burnt. But sooner or later the bubble bursts, and then just a little at first, but gaining momentum, reality begins to seep back into your conscious, and you’ll start to question the situation in which you now find yourself, and question the trust you have for this woman, and with mist fading, you'll realize that you barely know her at all.
Thai spy and private investigator
As prostitution in Thailand has grown, so have numerous symbiotic related enterprises, not least of which is the phenomenon of the ‘Thai Spy’. Otherwise known as ‘Private Investigators’ or ‘Private Eyes’ who hunt down cheating Thai bar girls for money and then report back to the foreign lovers of these Thai bar girls -potentially with evidence of philandering ways.
Why would anybody hire a Thai spy or private investigator?
Many of the ‘Falang’ who are the foreign lovers or ‘sponsors’ of Thai bar girls send large quantities of money each month, wired directly into the Thai bar girls bank account. However, despite this cash injection many Thai bar girls choose to continue to work the bars of Thailand, effectively cheating on their foreign partners, to whom they no doubt promised to ‘behave’, and give up the bar life. At some point doubt and paranoia will kick in, within the foreign lover, and in a bid to confirm the validity of their Thai bar girls words of chastity, some will turn to the service of the Thai private investigator.
How do Thai spies and private investigators work?
You supply your hired man (or woman) with as much detail as you can provide, which may often be no more than a name, mobile number and possibly the bar in which you met, and your Thai private investigator will do their best to track her down.
Having paid your private investigator up front they will now go about trying to confirm your Thai girlfriends cheating ways. And it seems to me the most likely way to do this would be by renting her company for the night. The private investigator will be 99% sure that she’s still working the bar scene the minute you’ve finished telling your tale, before the search has even begun, and with your money in hand, off he trots for a night out on the town, for a night with your ‘girlfriend’, paid for by you.
But of course I could be wrong; the Thai spy / cheating bar girl industry could be regulated by strictly conformed to rules, and totally above board (like everything else in Thailand?), but even if that were the case…
Should I hire a Thai spy to follow my Thai bar girl girlfriend?
No, of course not, but then you know that already don’t you, that bubble has already burst for you my friend, or else you wouldn’t be here. By no means do I intend to suggest that love is impossible or unobtainable between Thai bar girl and their foreign lovers, people are people the world over, and ‘love’ is a much sought after commodity and a beautiful thing in its own right. But when there’s no trust in a relationship, and you start to consider paying somebody to secretly follow your ‘loved’ one, then whatever pretensions you’ve been able to delude yourself with thus far, need to be firmly swept away.
This leaves you with two options:
(1) Accept that you were taken for a ride and that Thai bar girls do what they do out of necessity and that It was nothing personal. And without resentment or complaint, quietly cancel any standing orders, delete her number from your phone, learn from your experience, and carry on with the rest of your life.
(2) Accept that she probably doesn’t love you, or at least not in the way you’d ideally like, but keep playing the game, forget the private investigator, and keep sending her the money, strong with the knowledge that despite this charade, you probably are making a significant difference for the better to the life of a young woman with the same hopes and dreams as any other, who has been forced to develop these less appealing traits, in order to survive. Accept the fact that your Thai bar girl girlfriend is still most likely working the bars, block all that from your mind, or learn to live with it, and continue with your fantasy.
This choice I leave to you.
I believe yours is wise advice to check if you intend to commit big time to a bar girl. I know about a dozen girls who never cheat on their sponsor. Equally I know four times that number who do. Sometimes they genuinely love their sponsor BUT if he cannot send enough money just what are they going to do? The alternative is for the sponsor to bury his Western morals and accept how things really are.
ReplyDeleteMakes me glad Im a girl, and don't need to make choices in that direction. Bubbles burst the world over, dont they?
ReplyDeleteYou made several valid points and all were practical. I couldn't see myself falling prey to one of these girls (some of them are right here in the states, lol). Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all for your comments.
ReplyDelete@Peter - It's good to know that at least some of them don't continue working the bars, but you're right of course, it's a different world, and everybody needs to eat.
Coooo - I knew a guy that once got caught up with a girl in a bar over there. Turned out she was a he ... though he didn't realise until the morning after, the ass. Still, it stopped him from being even more silly than he already had been :)
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of sad to know that lots of women out there are materialistic. They just want your money not love. Show me one who isn't and I can show you 100 who are.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to point out a few misconceptions in the original article:
ReplyDeleteYou should not give your chosen investigator "as much detail as you can provide", and in fact a quality PI, especially one doing nightlife investigations, will tell you as much. The reason for this is simple: he has to have proof if he can't get a photo of the girl inside the bar, and if she's not actually going with customers.
In the course of ordinary bar talk, he can discover on his own her home town, her age, and other details. This is his only form of proof if he can't get formal documentary evidence like photos. If he can't do this, he can't prove he actually executed the assignment. Otherwise he can just make up a final report and feed the client's information back to him with a little spin. "She confirmed that..." isn't proof. "She disclosed to me..." is.
The statement that a "private investigator will be 99% sure that she’s still working the bar scene the minute you’ve finished telling your tale". Only one quarter to one third of the girls who are investigated are both sticking to the letter and the spirit of the agreement with their boyfriend/sponsor. That's not happy news, but it's still a lot better than 1%.
But the more important point is that if your chosen investigator has already formed an opinion about the case before he's executed the assignment, you've picked the wrong agency and an unprofessional one at that. A good investigator approaches each case with an open mind -- drawing on prior experience, most certainly, but allowing for all possible outcomes. Anyone who's working from a set of preconceptions is going to see what they expect to see.The whole point of hiring the investigator is to have a set of unbiased eyes t examine the situation.
The old saying has been proven to be true time and time again : "You can take a girl out of the bar, but you can NEVER take the bar out of the girl"