Pattaya Girls and Thai Love Discussed
Well it’s been almost two years now since I’ve heard from her, so if you were looking for a quick answer to your question, make of that what you will.
I have four tattoos, one for each of three lost loves, and one to help me forget them all. But did my Thai ‘girlfriend’ deserve her share of my flesh real-estate?
A week or so ago a casual acquaintance messaged me asking my advice, a good friend of hers had returned home from his holiday to Thailand, and had brought with him his own Thai girlfriend, and soon to be Thai wife. She was concerned for his well-being, having heard only the rumours of these Thai women’s love of money, and feared that her friend would be hurt by this ‘gold-digger’.
I told her that Thai girls were like any other person, and wanted to find love just like the rest of us, and that as long as her friend was happy, she shouldn’t worry. But behind my advice to her lay a slightly tainted belief in my own words, because all communication with my own Thai girlfriend had ended about a month after I lost my job, and was unable to continue sending her money for a short while.

My Thai Girlfriend
Thai Bar Girls and Sick Cows
‘No Money, No Honey!’, is a very well known saying within Thailand, you can find t-shirts printed with this slogan on every corner, and with good reason. Because despite the almost girlfriend-like experience so different from that associated with prostitution in western countries, and despite the often genuine affection shown by Thai bar girls to tourists, and real relationships formed, money is never far removed from the equation.
If you’ve had a Thai girlfriend or have a Thai wife then it’s more than possible that you’ve heard the story of the ‘sick cow’, this is the one in which your Thai girlfriend (looking sad and teary eyed) explains that one of her cows has become ill and will soon die unless ‘hint hint’ money can ‘somehow’ be obtained with which to have it treated. And with hind-sight you wonder why you cared, thousands of cows must get sick and die each day, and never before have you ever considered it necessary to intervene, but this is different. She’s beautiful and sad about her cow, and your hero-complex takes over, and for the price of a decent meal back home you could rid her of this heart ache, and you feel like a God, a merciful cow saving God…

Thai Bar Girls - Hero Complex
Shortly after returning home, if you hadn’t already agreed to do so before you left Thailand, you’ll get the text. You’ll call her back and listen to her tell you how much ‘she misses you’, and perhaps she genuinely does, but the one thing you can be sure of is that pretty soon you’ll be sending her money, and you won’t know why, but you’ll do it unquestioningly. If anybody else you knew rang you up and asked you to deposit a large sum of money into their bank account each month in return for the odd phone call or text you’d tell them to ‘do one’, but in this instance, under these circumstances, you’ll be smiling as you fill out the money transfer forms. The ignorant believe that the men who fall in love with Thai bar girls are perverts, they’re wrong (or at least partially), because it’s all about the hero-complex, which Thai bar girls know how to play to a tee.
A Dozen Mobile Phones
She always answers when you call with a ‘hey baby, I miss you!’ and knows exactly who you are, after all it’s you who’s now paying to keep her out of the bars. But the truth is that she quite possibly has numerous ‘farangs’ or foreigners sending her money each month, and has a separate mobile phone for each. Why and how can she afford so many mobile phones? They’re an investment, and it’s you that's paying for them. Rather than risk causing offense and losing a valuable benefactor a Thai bar girl may invest in multiple mobile phones one for each foreign lover, because while the mobile phones may not be cheap, if the foreign benefactor can be kept believing that his Thai girlfriend is being faithful and waiting for his return the phone will pay for itself many times over, as long as those monthly cash deposits continue to be sent.
Does your Thai Bar Girl Love You?
Possibly, but it’s not a love totally separated from the size of your bank balance, there’s a saying that goes ‘money is only important if you don’t have any’ and the Thai girls who work the bars of Bangkok and Pattaya are tired of having no money. But more than that they’re tired of working the fields, 18 hours a day picking corn under the blistering sun, then feeding the animals, cooking the family meal, catching a few hours sleep, then starting again, for the whole of their lives.
So whilst there is no denying that prostitution will always primarily be about money, it is also about glamor. Every bar in Thailand has girls who despite being sent large sums of money by foreign lovers continue to work them. And this is not usually due to greed, Thai bar girls form tight networks of close friends, they can drink, buy nice clothes, and get taken out to restaurants, cinemas, and clubs, etc. virtually every night. And despite what you might think of the girls for doing what they do, or the tourists who pay for them, you’d have to agree that such things might seem exciting to a girl who would otherwise go her whole life stuck within her small village, day after day, picking corn, and watching enviously the young people and the exciting lives they lead on pirate copies of foreign movies.
Whilst women in the West often now earn more and fight harder than their male counterparts, Thai women are still looking for a good provider, so as long as you remain able to continue to provide for her, she’ll continue to love you (in her own way).
Thai Girlfriends
Now perhaps you feel I’ve been a little too hard on Thai bar girls above, and are about to rush in (below) in their defense. Perhaps you think that in some way I’m bitter at being used, and then dropped when the money ran out, you’d be wrong. Because what she never knew is that I was never looking for a Thai wife (beautiful and sweet as she could be), but instead had been trying to buy myself good karma. She’d come to me and confessed her fears that she might well be dead (one way or another) within the next few years if she continued to work the bars, and whether foolishly or benevolently I’d been unable to turn a blind eye to that.
For four years I sent her money every month, and shortly after the money dried up all communication ceased, so you’d be forgiven for believing that I now harbor a strong distrust for Thai women, and you’d be partially right, but you only grab a hot pan from the oven without gloves once, and some lessons are invaluable. And if you asked me if I disliked Thai bar girls I’d tell you ‘no’, ‘not at all’, in fact they’ve been some of the most interesting people I’ve ever met and contain a strength of spirit that seems lacking in girls I know locally, who seem jaded in the same way that I am.
"A whole hemisphere lies dying from event starvation, it must be a subconscious demographic drive that sends these men to us; each one of these beauties hanging on their arms is a time bomb of demonic complications and explosive events. Hey, let’s hear it for the Thai girl, selflessly taking her message of love, life and lust to the world’" - Bangkok 8 – John Burdett
A brilliant and very true and observant article. I live with Thai working girls and many of them are my closest friends and they tell me things that they would probably tell no other. They do string several 'falang' along and do it expertly. Three phones would not be so strange. Consider these three statements:
ReplyDelete"I love you but I love your money more"
"You think Thai lady come to Pattaya for love? You crazy"
"You never lose your Thai only lose your place in the queue"
All are true and yet Thai girls do fall in love and get broken hearts. Some Thai girls will support their sometimes useless 'falang' boyfriends and expect nothing in return.
I have been present for a thousand phone calls from the boyfriends back in Europe and the States. I knew they were with another guy last night and will be with another tonight.
The family is all and their life as working girls will only last as long as their looks. They have to milk it as long as they can. Many do not want marriage because they are having too much fun. Most do not want a better life in another country... they want the money but to stay at home with family.
There are probably more stories from Thai girls about the 'falang' who let them down than there are the other way round. They all know these stories. Trusting a 'falang' is difficult.
I love Thai girls. I am an old and nothing special sort of guy but they make me feel young and handsome. Whats more I get regular emails from Thai girls I have never dated, never bought a drink for and they never ask me for a penny.
I admit it. I do have a Thai 'wife'. Our relationship is best described as no very complicated would be better still. I understand her and she understands me and we get along just fine. Most of the time ;-)
I really like how you looked at this situation from each angle. Like many women, Thai women CAN be gold diggers, and let's be honest, if you were good looking and in the very same situation and had such "assets" you'd do the same to save the "family farm."
ReplyDeleteGreat post, bro. I really enjoyed this. She's very pretty, by the way...I feel for you!
Thanks all for reading and commenting.
ReplyDelete@Peter - I'm glad you enjoyed reading this, as I always read your own hubs on living in Thailand and Pattaya particularly, with great interest. I'm sure that living amongst the working girls of Thailand couldn't be more entertaining, and I like you know that the majority are extremely good hearted, and it would certainly beat living in a stagnant Grey sea-side town in England. =)
There's definitely a lot of truth within those three statements, especially the last of the three, which is the one which is most worrying if you've ever had feelings towards a Thai girl. I've also heard stories of Thai women supporting 'falang' (I didn't realize it was with an 'l'), and I certainly believe it could happen.
I'm glad that you pointed out the 'extreme' importance of 'family' to the Thai's, as it's not something I really touched on, having wrote a post dedicated to that angle elsewhere, but as you say in Thailand; family is all.
I guess relationships and the trusting of others are difficult all around the world, and just because the bonds formed between Thai bar girl and tourist may be a little unconventional, it does not make them exempt.
It's difficult to explain Thailand to those who have never been, and there will always be those who turn up their noses in disgust when you tell them you have a 'Thai Girlfriend'. And it's usually your female acquaintances who go out on a Saturday and get blasted, get their tits and arse out, vomit on themselves, and go home with the first bloke they meet, who are the most judgmental.
Very complicated? lol, perhaps you should write a hub on the reality of living with a Thai wife, whatever that may be. And it seems to me that 'getting along most of the time' is about as much as you can ask for in any relationship, anywhere in the world. =)
Thanks again for taking the time to share your insights, and I look forward to reading more of your hubs.
Hey Dohn, glad you liked it dude, and you make some great points, 'Gold Digging' or even the less extreme need for a 'good provider' are not limited to Thai women (or men for that matter). I've known many women in England who would list a 'good job' as a necessary requirement when hunting for a new partner.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course I would, you have to respect the Thai bar girls for doing what they do, or at least the reasons behind why they do it.
Thanks dude, yeah she was (is) pretty, and I wish her nothing but luck and love in her future.
Mrvoodoo - Thanks for the interesting reply. Re the 'falang' and 'farang'. Never gone into it in a big way but almost without exception Thai people say 'falang' and most falang say 'farang'. Once, in conversation with a Thai who spoke English well I noted he used 'farang' instead of 'falang'. When I asked him why.. he said he thought he was being polite and immediately slipped back into 'falang'. I don't suppose it really matters a hoot. I asked my 'wife' about it once and she said "farang is the way that falang say falang"
ReplyDeleteIncidentally I don't know whether you ate falang in Thailand. A type of white fleshed Guava. This is, apparently where the name came from. We falang/farang are named after a fruit.
Once again thanks for the hub. Happy 2010.
This was kind of a geography lesson for me. I didn't know anything about Thai Bar girls in the first place. That doesn't mean I automatically put all Thai girls in this category, it just means you've shown me another side to a culture I never knew. I love your writing as it's so easy to follow. Thanks for sharing this with us. : )
ReplyDeleteHello, I was really touched by your story. Love of money its so dangerous. I really feel sorry for them, because no matter what, money should not come first. Great hub. Thanks for sharing. I wish you a Verry Happy New Year. May 2010 bring you a lot of hapiness and all what you desire in this life. Bless you my dear friend.:)
ReplyDeletemany thanks for including a link to our non-fiction book, "hello my big big honey!" love letters to bangkok bar girls.
your plight sounds painful, but your prose reads poetic so you obviously gained an insight and perception which may be more valuable than whatever slipped away -- especially because you are now set for the rest of your life with a real understanding of hearts and other organs...
so, congratulations.
cheers, richard
Thanks to all for your comments, I don't think my notifications have been coming through properly.
ReplyDelete@Peter - I've heard before that some Asian people have problems pronouncing the letter 'R', so I guess this is kind of a reversal of that. Obviously the Thai people know which is correct, and with you living there I know you know of what you speak, so 'Falang' it is, I'd noticed your spelling of it on some of your hubs before and had wondered about it, so thanks for clearing that up.
Named after a white fleshy fruit, lol, that's kind of fitting I guess. =)
Keep up the good work and happy 2010.
Cheers Becca, I didn't know much about Thai bar girls either until after my first trip there. I learned pretty quick, but not nearly quick enough.
ReplyDeleteYou're right of course, you can't put all Thai women in the same category, and even those 'players' that are just out for the cash aren't bad people, it's a different culture and you play with fire - you get burnt.
Thanks for reading. =)
Hey Keira, I wouldn't feel too sorry for them, lol, no actually I would, they live in a dangerous and hostile world, and they've learned to make the best of a bad situation. In many ways they're like modern day Robin Hoods. ;)
ReplyDeleteBest wishes and happy new year!
Hey 'Hello my big big honey' author guy. I can't say I've read your book but it has a very interesting title, and I'm betting that it's an interesting read. So I think I'll add that to my wish list. 'Go buy it people!'
ReplyDeleteI certainly learned something from it all, and whilst I feel a little foolish at having fallen for pretty much every trick in the Thai bar girl arsenal, I bear no grudge. =)
Many thanks for your uplifting comment and kind words, I'm thinking of a return visit to Thailand soon, so lets hope I learned from my mistakes. ;)
Best of luck with the book, and a happy new year.
Mr Voodoo, having lived in Thailand for a while, I was shocked and dismayed how all these old falang men arrive alone wearing their hormones on their chest, not interested in diving or an of Thailand's sights, all they are interested in is bedding a Thai girl and getting themselves a girlfriend. It just makes a beautiful country appear so sleazy, when you see these sixty-something year old men with big beer bellies and varicous veins in their legs with young Thai girls. They set themselves up and deserve to be ripped off. The best thing I learnt there, is that when a Thai girl calls her man duh-ling, they think it's darling with a cute Thai accent. However, duh-ling in Thai is monkey's anus.
ReplyDeleteHey Cindy, I imagine that there are many people who see it your way, and perhaps a high percentage of them are women, lol. =)
ReplyDeleteI think it's wrong to only blame it on the old guys and label them perverts, I was only 25 when I visited, hadn't gone there for a sex tourism style vacation, but was still caught up in all this, within about 24 hours of getting there.
I appreciate that it is the Thai women who are the real victims here, economic victims making the best of a poor set of life choices, but they've certainly learned to make the best of a bad situation, and things are never as simple as they seem, especially when viewed through Western eyes.
I know quite a few young guys now with Thai girlfriends, and as the world gets smaller it's inevitable that people will find partners further afield, and despite my own experience I like to believe that at least a small percentage of these relationships are based on love, and that both Thai girl and Falang suffer the condemnations of those who judge them with a smile, and live happily ever after.
I know this might sound a bit judgemental, but when a man walks into a bar (in Thailand or anywhere else) to mingle with "bar girls" (in Thailand or anywhere else), what is he really expecting to find? True, endless love? Perfect mental compatibility and intellectual stimulation of the kind the girl working in the local library even wouldn't be able to provide? Duh.
ReplyDeleteIt's the nature of the beast. A bar girl, or a girl working in a bar, is by definition in a place where people come to "relax" and have a "good time". Quite often this involves shedding inhibitions and losing control and getting "fried" (sometimes even claimed as a badge of honour!). What kind of "meaningful" relationship can you form in such an environment? For the bar girl, the first priority is to earn herself a living, not "fall in love" with you. And she has the added advantage (and temptation) of encountering all kinds of men with all kinds of wallets and wish-lists on a daily basis. Unless you're truly one of a kind, the kind that would make her forget herself and throw herself into your arms forever, why would she? Men who delude themselves deserve to be defrauded. Sorry.
Why do you necessarily have to seek love and companionship in a bar? What's wrong with seeking it with like-minded others in the course of fulfilling your work/interests/hobbies/passions? You're more likely to find compatibility under those circumstances.
On another note, "falang" is the Thai variant on "farang", which is itself a variant of the Persian/Urdu/Hindi word "firang" referring to a "foreigner".
They can certainly tie you into knots, that's for sure - but then who said life was simple. Most relationships are about give and take...
ReplyDeleteGreat post! thank for sharing your experience, I have not known much about Thai bar girls and the relationship that they form with foreigners. So this hub was an interesting reading.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is natural that they love money as far as they are doing that job.After all, they are kept to drag money from people, not to make love with customers!
ReplyDeleteIf they work in a bar, be they Thai, Filipina or what have you , they are gold diggers. Period. My personal experience.
ReplyDeleteI married a girl from Living Dolls on Walking Street. She is 26 and i am 36 now. We have been together for 8yrs and we are very very happy still. The truth is that good looking girls like fit good looking guys anywhere in the world. Mostly in Pattaya i see old fat drunk Western guys moaning about why the girls there can't be trusted? I never had a problem getting a nice looking younger girl here in the UK and although my Wife needed financial help it was quite obvious to me that she also wanted me and found me attractive. Dont try and kid yourself if you are some bald 50yr old that one of these girls will really want you. All girls Bar or otherwise want to be loved by someone who they can also love in return. But if they see some deluded cash cow idiot who can support them for now then good luck to them i say.
ReplyDeletegirls need you and your money but you they can do without at a push but look at this way walk into your local bar meet a girl tell her you have no job no money see how far you get
ReplyDeleteat least you can play the game in Thailand and have some fun
that's if you can afford the ticket of course at 48 baht to the pound this week its not looking good is it
it's "dak ling" that means monkey butt :-)
ReplyDeleteit goes without saying that they would rather get money from a young handsome guy than a fat drunk slob.
if u want a low maintenance thai girl then date one who has no sisters and brothers and no living relations from her parents generation.
ReplyDeleteUsually, the best you can hope for is that she loves you AND your money equally well, or at least that you rate somewhere on the scale.
ReplyDeleteI think you summed it up perfectly there Garynew, but as I get older I find that English women aren't so different. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks to all for your thoughts and advice, I enjoyed reading them all. And I gotta say, despite everything, I still have a bit of a thing for Thai women (bar girls and all). :D
I read these blogs and impressed at how closely they align with what I have been experiencing. The only thing that differs is that the girl I have met is actually going to nursing college......I know this for a fact, as I have been to the college. The question I have been asking myself is whether she really only did the bar scene once, to help pay for college, or is it all part of the game?
ReplyDeletei want thia girl to marry
ReplyDeleteThailand is a large country with millions of sincere, beautiful single women. If you're in the market for a girlfriend or wife, why on earth would you focus your search on the bars? If you're reasonably fit and decent-looking, have fun in the bars if you wish to, but don't be lazy -- get out there to the "regular" places (such as the malls) and start chatting up some regular Thai women!
ReplyDeleteGenius article. I know many Thai people, my girlfriend owns a business and employs many of them. The bar girls you talk about in your article are the quintessential bar girl. The ones who string along men for their money. I have never dated a bar girl but I've known a few and after living in Bangkok for 3 years I've determined that they don't know what love is, seriously. I've seen more Englishmen's lives ruined then you can imagine. If you want a bar girl than buy one, you get what you pay for, but don't expect love, also don't expect anyone from you own country will give you any respect either. If you want a girlfriend learn Thai and don't go to red light bars, easy.
ReplyDeletei love thailand
ReplyDeleteIs that a picture of Fang?
ReplyDeleteHey, Fang's boyfriend. Her name was 'Panida'.
ReplyDeleteOr at least, that's what she told me.
i have been reading with great interest the comments posted. i found them to be very interesting and informative so thankyou. i have met a thai lady on a dating website to which i have been corrosponding with for 2 months and i have become very fond of her. i only hope that she is being honest with me as i have been totally honest with her. she comes from roi-et up north she has invited me to meet her family to which i respect. in the event of us making ago of it, time will tell. i feel it doesnt matter what country you come from the love game is much the same. ill take my chances with my thai girl and do my best but at the same time without being to judgemental ill ask her about the money issues and all that is associated with it and go with my gut feelings good luck to you all looking for love good luck ray. ps i am 48 and she is 27 whether or not she was a working girl doesnt matter to me. whether a lady has slept with 10 or 1000 you wont know so dont ask, just love her for who she is and be kind and caring to her and treat her with respect.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you have a good attitude towards the whole thing, Ray. It may all go tits up, it may not, but you won't know until you try.
ReplyDeleteJust tread carefully, and best of luck to you both.
I know exactly what you mean i think im going
ReplyDeletethrough it for a second time.
Am i a sucker yes'' but why i do not know??
my first lasted 3 trips 18months.
she found a man with mega $$$$ so left me.
second girl seems trustworthy but today
asked for more each month. "" bells ringing ""
ReplyDelete1 X TATTOO HER NAME!!
i fell in love with a thai bar girl, true love onot i confuse..we dinner together , i go to the bar buy drink for her and she will ask me buy for her friends as well.
ReplyDeleteshe got ask me buy perfume and phone card only an i buy for her. worry that this is just money games.
There are million of good Thai girls but you just placed yourself to the bad places then why you expected to meet educated Thais people?
ReplyDeleteIt's rather ironic that I've just come across this article now before I fly from Brisbane to Bkk tomorrow morning with a view to spending 3 months in Thailand.
ReplyDeleteFor the most part I'll be staying in Pattaya as I have a condo there as well as a Thai girlfriend.
Although I DID meet her in a bar, she is anything but the typical Thai bar girl in that I'm not expected to send her money at all and hence, I don't.
It's worth mentioning here that many Pattaya bar girls will tell you that they've only been working in the bar for a week or so which in many cases is true in that they might have only been working in THAT particular bar for a week or so. Because of the nature of the "job" they tend to move from one bar to another depending on the clientele, however after exhaustive research, I learned that my girl had indeed only been doing "barwork" for a week when I met her and hence had not been "educated" by the more experienced of her peers as is usually the case, and i was able to get her out of there before any damage had been done.
Although we've been together for 5 years, the only time she has actually asked me for money is when she needs to buy food for the condo and I've simply forgotten to give her any.
It's quite funny when it happens because she's generally too reserved to ask for anything and usually waits until she's built up enough frustration and anger at me for being inconsiderate, at which time she explodes in a tirade of what I consider to be completely unfounded accusation of being "kinneo" which is basically the Thai word for being tight and stingy.
On the sick cow note, your readers might find my post on Thai postal services amusing which is relative and can be found at the following URL.
Just read this article a few days after I returned from Thailand. Nice writing there. And also lots of good stuff in the comments.
ReplyDeleteIt was my second trip there. On the first Trip I was 23 and just wanted to see a different culture, however in the last days I decided to have a look at Pattaya and fell in Love with a bargirl. She was actually my first Girlfriend. When I returned home I soon realized she was not really into me and I didn't have any money to send her anyways.
Now was my second Trip at the age of 27. Things had changed. I got married and now I'm divorcing (not a thai girl but african) and wanted to go back to Thailand to see more of the country, but also to enjoy what Nightlife has to offer there. So I spent 2 weeks travelling Thailand and Cambodia, after that I went to Pattaya to enjoy my last week. I met many bargirls, and they are all very interesting people. Their life stories make my life seem so boring, and what they are willing to do for their families and babies is why I respect them so much.
I also fell in Love again. Now I have some money to send, but I think she earns more than me :) She seemed really into me - way different than other bargirls I slept with. She said she wanted to visit me at home and that our time was over so quickly because it was so much fun. She took photos of me on her phone and during the day she would often look at them secretly. Then again she might just be a better actor than other bargirls. Still I'm really missing her.
I visited Thailand 5 months ago with the intention of training in thai boxing. After 3 weeks at the camp I sustained an injury to my knee, and had to stop. I decided to venture out of the camp for the first time at night, and ended up in a ladybar. I am 22 years old, athletic build and considered to be quite handsome.
ReplyDeleteI met a lovely girl at the bar and ended up taking her back to my accommodation. After 5 days, taking her out for dinner etc and just having fun, i gave her 5000bht. She accepted the money, and i asked her to leave me, as i was beginning to become attached and quite fond of her. She returned to my accommodation the next day, said she missed me. I missed her too. After another 10 days, i had mixed feelings; i felt that i had fallen in love, but understood that she was a prostitute and that it was an illusion. I took out 10000 from my wallet to pay her for the time she had spent with me and she refused it.
When I left Thailand she was devastated. However, I was not looking for love or any sort of relationship. She continued to call me from Thailand every day and we spent hours chatting on skype. After 2 months back home I booked a flight back to Thailand. We spent another 10 days together, and towards the end I had run out of money and told her that I had to leave early. The next day, I woke up and she had slid 5000 baht into my wallet.
On returning back to the UK to finish my masters degree, I explained to her that I could not come back for a long time, and offered to send her some money. She refused, and had no interest in my money. She is aware that I am not wealthy.
Now I am about to visit for the third time in 6 months. I had doubts to start with, but now I’m sure this is something real. Not all bar girls are the same. Not all are after money. Conclusion, love is sometimes found in strange places!
come on guys lets admit it, all girls in the world dream a rich guy, and we do the best for make them happy , we always give them all they want, in that we all wrong in any relation we have with no exception in any nationality the girl is !! thai girls why should be an exception to that, they need money , they dream a rich farang,they want to have a good life. we are wrong, we are blind from their exotic beauty and we involved with much more younger girls from us,so what we expect !! thai ladys can love strong and true and can do everything to make you feel like a king, can you make her loved you?? that is the big bet with ur self.
ReplyDeletethai ladys are strange, if you like a thai lady...u should tell her stop what ur doing if u want to be with me!! they like it, why?? i cant find the answer too but some they told me that the guy who tell them that mean he loves them real!!!
the less u show of how much money u have, the biggest chance of find the true love from a thai lady.
You really had good observation on Thai girls here. Informative. Let this be a guide to anyone.
ReplyDeleteWell, as the word goes "You Reap What You Sow", so you got what you deserved-your Thai Girlfriend was/is a bar girl, and with all her "qualities", why bitch about it?
ReplyDeleteNo offense, but any decent guys would stay away from such places.
By the way, don't you have taste for any regular girls besides "prostitute" girls?
boys, here is an analogy I hope that provides you with some insight. A thai "working girl" (bar, go-go, spa, mall girl, etc) is like a taxi. while many people have cars and use them themselves and for family and friends, someone who has painted their car yellow or pink (many taxis in bangkok are hot pink), added a meter and an "on duty" light uses it to generate income/earn a living. they may still use it to provide transport for themselves, friends and family but, for the most part, use it for work. once a girl has "crossed over" (this is initially difficult for many of the thai girls) and painted their taxi pink, tuned on the on "duty sign", run the meter and been paid, it is difficult to provide free rides! thai girls that service foreigners make more money in a night or two than they do in a week or more working a "" job. That is if they can even get a legit job. (much much more than subsistence farm work). Do the math! Look at the BIG PICTURE! hmmmm...... make more than you could doing anything else in less time than the alternatives, get to drink, dine, dance, party and shop (they are 20 - 30 years old... remember those days?) and send money home! they have a "shelf life" and their earning potential decreases rapidly at a relatively young age and they are VERY AWARE of this fact. Any day not earning $ is income ultimately lost forever. Within hours after you depart and hand her $ so she doesn't have to "work", the "on duty light" is turned on and the meter is working! kaching! when you send her money from home the taxi meter has been running since you left! really, if you think about the big picture, would you do any different if you were them? if you are a foreigner, you'd probably be worse! Despite what I have written to this point, I love thai girls! how can you not? beautiful, sweet, clever, attentive, sexy.... the list is long! Just keep it in perspective! there are much worse ways to be separated from you hard earned $$! if you're looking for love, you be in the wrong place! if you looking for a love fantasy, you be in the right place.
ReplyDeleteremember - you can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl! for the record - this is true for any "working girl" in any culture, in any country and probably on any planet!
have fun, be kind and generous and stay safe
and next time ....... guard your heart!